Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors

About 75 percent of people will develop hemorrhoids at some time in their lives. Knowing your personal risk factors for hemorrhoids may help you take steps to avoid this painful and inconvenient condition. Although hemorrhoids can affect anyone, certain people face a higher risk of developing the condition.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Age

While hemorrhoids can and do occur in younger people, they are more common in middle-aged and older adults. The age bracket with the highest risk factor for hemorrhoids is 45 to 65.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Pregnancy

Pregnant women have a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids because of the increase in hormones during this time. The hormone progesterone can weaken the vein walls, which may encourage hemorrhoids to form.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Weight

People who are overweight may be more likely to develop hemorrhoids, as the extra weight forces the veins surrounding the anus and rectum to endure additional pressure.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Genetics

Hemorrhoids can be hereditary. If you have relatives who suffered from the condition, you may be more likely to develop it in the future.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Diet

Diet and other lifestyle choices can have a profound effect on hemorrhoid development. People who lack sufficient fiber in their diet may be more prone to constipation and straining, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Eating too spicy of a diet can also exacerbate hemorrhoid symptoms.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Bathroom Habits

Your bathroom habits can affect your likelihood to develop hemorrhoids. People who experience constipation may strain more during bowel movements, a tendency which can cause hemorrhoids to form. Sitting too long can also be a problem, and doctors don’t recommend lingering or reading in the restroom.

Hemorrhoid Risk Factors: Occupation

Did you know that your job could affect your risk of developing hemorrhoids? People who site for prolonged periods of time during the day with little to no movement are at high risk of hemorrhoids. For this reason, truckers and bicyclists get hemorrhoids way more than the general populations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If my close relatives suffered from hemorrhoids, am I sure to develop them?
A: Although hemorrhoids can be hereditary, you are not guaranteed to develop the condition just because your relatives suffered from hemorrhoids.
Q: Are women or men more likely to develop hemorrhoids?
A: Women and men are equally likely to develop hemorrhoids, although women commonly suffer from hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Q: What can I do to reduce my risk for getting hemorrhoids in the long term?
A: Certain dietary and lifestyle changes can help protect you from hemorrhoids. We recommend drinking plenty of water and eating a fiber-rich diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid lingering in the restroom and straining. You may want to consider taking a fiber supplement.
Q: Are certain racial groups more at risk for developing hemorrhoids?
A: No racial group faces a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Q: Can young people get hemorrhoids?
A: Yes, hemorrhoids can occur at any age.

Contact Our Hemorrhoid Experts

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