Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Who experiences symptoms from hemorrhoids?

Who experiences symptoms from hemorrhoids? 

 Hemorrhoids are an extremely common ailment—in fact, more than half of all Americans will suffer from hemorrhoids at some point. They affect males, females and patients of all ages. Constipation, diarrhea, straining, pregnancy, obesity, exercise, airplane travel, truck driving, prolonged sitting, and genetics are all linked to dilation of hemorrhoids.

In addition, these factors may cause hemorrhoids:
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Anal intercourse
Read below for more description of the symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids.
Constipation- Straining at bowel movements or sitting on the toilet for longer periods of time put pressure on the blood vessels in and around the anus, which can cause hemorrhoids. Similarly, sitting on a hard surface, (such as concrete or tile) or at a desk or table for prolonged periods of time may irritate the skin and cause hemorrhoids.
Diarrhea- While unpleasant to talk about, diarrhea is even more unpleasant for the skin around the anus. One symptom of diarrhea is runny bowel, which results in many trips to the bathroom or prolonged sitting on the toilet, which may be a culprit of a hemorrhoid outbreak.
Pregnancy and Obesity- During pregnancy the added weight and strain to the pelvic area may trigger hemorrhoids in those ordinarily too young for the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Similarly, being of an unhealthy body weight puts added strain on the pelvic area and tissues around the anus.
Anal intercourse-Without adequate lubrication, anal intercourse or frequent anal intercourse exposes the skin of the anus and rectum to unaccustomed stress. Other factors, like aging and hormonal changes, may play a part as well.
This list is not exhaustive, as any activity that puts strain on the tissues and blood vessels in anus and lower rectum may cause hemorrhoids, or make existing hemorrhoids worse. Yet, If you have any of these risk factors, hemorrhoids are a likely event. Although hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable to talk about, you should seek advice from your healthcare provider on the proper treatment of this common ailment.

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